Being Trustworthy

There is an encouragement in 1 Corinthians 4:2 for all of us who influence others for the kingdom. The requirement is not “success” in terms of our specific role or how many people like us or follow us or listen to us. Our requirement is to be trustworthy. Obviously Paul wasn’t suggesting that we shouldn’t rejoice when people follow our leadership. He was simply reminding us (as the following verses explain) that we cannot trust human judgment regarding who is carrying out the dictates of their master faithfully. We can’t even trust our own judgment in that. We must simply press on in serving the Lord to the best of our ability and demonstrating trustworthiness in our efforts. God will honor that by gaining greater glory to Himself through us. That should be a great encouragement. You don’t have to measure up to anyone else. You have to be faithful with what God has given you and in the ministry that he has called you to. Let’s keep at it. Let’s each pursue trustworthy service so that God can receive the greatest glory as we function as one.
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