Renewed Passion

Two of the books that I've read in the past year or so have challenged me deeply. The first was David Platt's book "Radical." I read it a year ago and it's call is still with me. Among the things that I gathered from the book was the reminder of the passion we need to have in our commitment to Christ. The Bible leaves no room for half-hearted Christianity. Then I led our College and Career group through a study of Francis Chan's "Crazy Love" this year.  It was the same general theme.

As I came to the new year in 2011, I was thinking about Revelation 3. The words were to the church at Laodicea, but are certainly fitting for us...I thought I'd share some of it with you again today.

Most of us are familiar with the "lukewarm" part of the text; God doesn't want us lukewarm. The text says he would rather we be hot or cold. Obviously God doesn't want us to be cold, but have you thought recently about the idea that even a cold heart toward God is better than one that is lukewarm? Mull over that a little and argue with it in your mind for a while.

The part that challenged me freshly then was verse 17. "You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked." That sounds suspiciously like my life sometimes. How about yours? We tend to think that everything is fine and that we are doing well because we have a reasonably comfortable lifestyle. We have a decent home; a car or two and a little savings. We go to church regularly, and give (maybe even our tithe). But what is there beyond that, that distinguishes us from the religious pagan living down the street? The person outside of Christ may also have all those things (including church attendance and charitable giving). What about the sacrifice? What about the "hot" part of verse 16? What about the passion that ought to characterize followers of Jesus? I have been thinking about that for a year now and Francis only fueled that challenge.

I need to continually renew my passion. I'm not going to do specific New Year's resolutions this year. I realize that "if you aim at nothing, you hit it every time," but I want to try something different. I want to try to simply focus on my passion for Christ. I want this year to be the most intimate and most passionate I've experienced to date in my relationship with him. I really believe that if I will do that; the positive momentum gained by following closely after him will accomplish more than 3 or 4 specific targets will.

However you approach the idea of a new year, I trust yours will be fruitful for the glory of God.

I'll talk to you again in 2012!


  1. Great stuff, Pastor! In "Forgotten God", Francis Chan talked about how the purpose of the Holy Spirit was to be our Comforter but so many of us live such comfortable lives, he questioned our need for the presence of the Holy Spirit. Very convicting.

    Thanks for you thoughts and everything you do. Looking forward to serving with you in 2012!


  2. Thanks Mike. I'm excited to see what 2012 brings too. Thanks for the privilege of serving together and for your example of faith.


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