Angry Bird Christians

     Those crazy birds with the mean look on their face were all the rage a couple of years back.  You could get nearly addicted using the slingshot to tear down structures.  It was fun to hear them scream and utilize their strengths and uniqueness to accomplish as much demolition as possible.  Their reason for existence, it seems, was to tear down.
     I've already started to see the Christmas version of these creatures.  The difference is that they are not animated birds.  And they aren't fun.  They are people; specifically Christians.  "Don't shop here; they hate Christmas."  "Boycott those people; they won't acknowledge Christ in Christmas."  "Those jerks won't allow us to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas because they say Happy Holidays."  OK; that last one isn't something I've actually heard, but it seems to be the gist of the argument.
     People who don't love God or Jesus don't have any reason to keep Christ in Christmas.  Stores who want to make money during the month of December and use the term "Christmas" or "X-mas" because they think it will help their bottom line are using marketing techniques.  Businesses that say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" because they think the phrase will expand their customer base are doing...well; business.
     It was the same last year...and the year before.  I didn't ever sense that I shouldn't celebrate the birth of Christ.  I always said "Merry Christmas" to the people at the checkout and nobody ever responded in any fashion that suggested that I shouldn't have said that.
     I have no doubt that some are avoiding using the term "Christ" because of their hatred for him.  I also do not doubt that many don't use it because they have no relationship with him and don't have any reason to celebrate this season other than because of family and the chance to give gifts to those they love.  Why would I demand that they include something that is not part of the season for them?
     Christians always have the option to shop wherever they wish.  If you choose to shop at a store that has Christmas overtly in their advertising and their displays, then please do so.  Maybe even an encouraging word to the manager that you appreciate their use of the term would be in order.  If you choose not to shop at stores where the name of Christ is not used, then don't.  Nobody is hindering the exercise of your faith.  Say Merry Christmas to everyone.  Just don't be so angry because everyone doesn't support the celebration of Christmas for the same reason you do.  Don't post all over Facebook about the "godless and pagan" stores that are dishonoring the name of the Lord.  They are business people doing business.  You are not being forced to say "Happy Holidays."  Don't try to force them to say "Merry Christmas" when they don't really have any heart desire to keep Christ central to Christmas anyway.
     Can we try this year to be a positive influence for Christ instead of another special interest group screaming for "their right" to keep "their celebration" untainted by the "others?"  Please remember that the only rants Jesus went on were directed toward the religious leaders who wanted to keep their religion in tact.
     I know; some of these angry Christians will be angry that I even say this, but I've already seen some of it and by December 2, I'm tired of it...and I DO love Jesus and seek to keep him at the center of my celebration.  I can't imagine what my friends who don't have a relationship with him are thinking.  Let's follow what the Bible says and let our speech be "always gracious, seasoned with salt, so that we may know how we ought to answer everyone."
     Merry Christmas...a little early.


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