Harvest Time

It’s harvest time.  It is that time of year when farmers are bringing in the crops that they have been tending all spring and summer.  There has been much care in the preparing of soil, planting of precious seed, praying for and providing the right amount of moisture and fertilizer, etc. 
The process is, as you know, compared to the process of evangelism and discipleship in the New Testament.  We are anticipating a great harvest of fully mature disciples.  I am thankful to God for all those who have been so faithful to work in this same process in the past and for you who are doing so now.  There are periods of time when we plant; there are times we harvest.  There are cloudy days and there sunny days.  There is dryness and there is rain.  All of these contribute to the production of a good harvest.  We plant the seed; we do all within our power to provide for growth and development and we trust God to bring about the results he desires. 
I am challenged as I sense the air changing and think again about the harvest going on around us that we must keep our focus on the future.  If the farmer planted the seeds in the spring with little thought to preparing the soil or to caring for the crop throughout the growing season as much as he was able; he would have little reason to complain when the harvest was small.  Do we want a great harvest of disciples to the glory of God?  We had better be learning all that we can so that we can work our corner of the harvest field effectively.  If what I was doing last year at this time can be improved, am I willing to do that?  Don’t get trapped in the deception that “all God asks is faithfulness.”  While that is true in one sense; it is also true that fruitfulness is part of faithfulness.  We can’t pat ourselves on the back for being faithful if we are not being fruitful.
What about your personal life?  There are two areas of this illustration that are important to a full understanding of what God asks of us. 
First; are you taking opportunities that are given to you to plant the seed of the gospel?  Sometimes they come up very easily, sometimes there needs to be a lot of cultivation of the “soil.”  The bigger question is; are you even in the field working?  Thank you to all who are.  You are light in the darkness, and God is being honored in your life.  Let’s continue to commit ourselves to the great task of reaching our area for Christ.  How many will we add in this season of harvest?
The second component of the illustration regards the growth of the “crop.”  How are you investing your life in others so that they can grow to maturity and begin to produce spiritual “seed” of their own?  Are you still taking in the nourishment for yourself or are you developing your spiritual farming skills?  The goal of the Christian life is to become a mature disciple who will win others to Christ and be used of God to help develop them into disciples to continue the process.
How’s it going?  Take a challenging look inside and see if you can name people that you are directly pouring your life into right now.  Maybe there are some adjustments you need to make so you can assist in the growth and development of the harvest that God wants to gather…


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