God of the Second Chance
Sunday evening, I met with our college students for our weekly Bible study. Right now we're going through Galatians. The topic for the evening was that we still live by faith after we are saved. We don't get saved by faith and then live by our own strength. Paul mentions Abraham in Galatians 3 as an example. We spent a little bit of time reviewing Abraham's walk of faith (the ups and the downs).
The fact that Abraham had several experiences in his life that were major steps backwards and that he is still referred to as the father of faith has caused me to think today about some other people in the Scripture who had opportunities to begin again. Their stories are varied, but the truth is the same. Our Heavenly Father is “the God of the second chance.” In general terms, we could look at the children of Israel throughout the Old Testament and observe that God gave them repeated opportunities to start over.
Jonah is a great example. After running completely in the opposite direction from that which God laid out for him, God gave him the privilege to “try again.” The result was God’s glory and the salvation of a major city full of people.
Elijah was another. After a great victory, he ran from a threat on his life by the queen. When he was secreted away in a cave, God came and found him. Rather than encouraging Elijah’s pity party, God assigned him the next several tasks he was to undertake.
King David was one more. He dishonored God on several occasions, and caused the death of many people because of his disobedience. Still, God described him as “a man after my own heart.” David led God’s people in victory and, outside of the Lord Jesus Himself, was the greatest king of Israel .
Obviously, this is not intended to be an encouragement to sin or to be lax in our spiritual walk. There is an eventual limit to God’s patience. But I want to remind you that as long as you live, you are able to come back to your Heavenly Father, confess your sin, restore your fellowship with Him, and start again.
I don’t know why God laid this on my heart today. Perhaps there is someone reading this who is discouraged in their walk with God. Maybe someone is in desperate need of repentance and is wondering if God will listen when they call. Possibly there is even some unbeliever who is questioning whether they have gone so long that God will no longer consider their plea to be saved. It’s never too late as long as you are alive. Part of God’s own description of Himself in Exodus 34 is “compassionate and gracious; slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin.”
If you are willing to return, He is willing to forgive. More than that, He will use you to honor himself and bring glory to His name.
I have a hard time wrapping my mind around that kind of grace. I sure am glad it's true, though. What about you? Have you experienced God's kind willingness to let you get back in the saddle and return to the place of blessing and service in your walk with him? Do you have any favorites from the Bible to whom God granted the opportunity to get up after a fall and press on?
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