Renewed Passion
Two of the books that I've read in the past year or so have challenged me deeply. The first was David Platt's book "Radical." I read it a year ago and it's call is still with me. Among the things that I gathered from the book was the reminder of the passion we need to have in our commitment to Christ. The Bible leaves no room for half-hearted Christianity. Then I led our College and Career group through a study of Francis Chan's "Crazy Love" this year. It was the same general theme. As I came to the new year in 2011, I was thinking about Revelation 3. The words were to the church at Laodicea, but are certainly fitting for us...I thought I'd share some of it with you again today. Most of us are familiar with the "lukewarm" part of the text; God doesn't want us lukewarm. The text says he would rather we be hot or cold. Obviously God doesn't want us to be cold, but have you thought recently about the idea that even a ...