Living with the "but if not..."

My wife has recently been undergoing some medical issues, including numerous trips to have blood drawn, several trips to a doctor's office, a "procedure" in a hospital operating room, and finally (3 days ago), surgery. According to friends who have had a similar surgery, and her doctor, she can expect full recovery after a week or so of rest home and a month or two of generally feeling weary and tiring easily. I'm thankful that all appears to be well and this will soon be a memory for Jodi. As always; the doctors came with thorough information including the "possibilities." It could have been "this or that." "All surgery has potential complications such as..." The likelihood of _____ is small, but I am required to mention it to you." Jodi signed all the papers dutifully and was wheeled away for her surgery. It's all so common that we simply come to expect that everything will be "fine." And it no...