Grounding God's Grandeur of the mill...average. Astonishing...remarkable...stunning...amazing...awe-inspiring. Which set of adjectives describes your view of God? Seriously; just for a couple of minutes, reflect on your perspective of God. I read the statement that title's this post a week ago and it has, in some ways, haunted me for the past several days. I believe wholeheartedly in the God of the Bible. I have had a relationship with him through His son, Jesus since I was 5 years of age. I have studied for many years from a biblical and theological perspective about who God is and what He has done in the world. I can dissect His attributes and describe His plan and purpose as revealed in the Bible. Those are all very important things. But have I reduced God to a topic of theological conversation, or do I allow the information and experience I have with God to magnify him in my thinking? Have I become so accustome...