
Showing posts from 2016

Gratitude Because of my Unworthiness

My church has a blog called “Approaching Sunday” that is designed to help people prepare for the coming message for the week.   I’ve been asked to do some writing there and since it’s been so long since I wrote on my own blog, I thought I’d re-post them here to get this thing back up and running.   Hope you find them helpful. This post is written for 2 groups of people.   In both cases, I want to remind you that you are not worthy to get into Heaven and that there is nothing you can do (or have done) that will get you there.   Far from being a discouragement, I hope this will spur you to action.   Hang with me just a little bit and I think you’ll see where I’m going. According to Acts 23:6, Saul was born to a Pharisee, among the most religious of people in all of Israel. He himself became a Pharisee, having studied under one of the most celebrated teachers of his day, Gamaliel (Acts 22:3).   In this position, Saul would have taught people the Holy...