
Showing posts from June, 2014

Who's job is it anyway?

     After all the events surrounding the death and resurrection of Jesus, the disciples fully expected that He would restore the national kingdom of Israel and free the Jews from Roman domination.  Instead, according to the end of the gospel accounts and the early part of the book of Acts, he gave them a simple command...and left to go back to Heaven.      For the time being, let's skip the details surrounding his departure and their amazement at the whole thing and focus on His command to them.  It's worded in several ways, but basically Jesus said: "You will being going locally, regionally, nationally and worldwide to be witnesses about me.  As you do; make disciples."      A simple command.  It can really be synthesized to those 2 words...make disciples.  I talked last time about what a disciple is.  You can go back and read that post here if you want to.  The question I want you to ask ...

Following Jesus

     Just last week, my wife and I started a Bible study with a group of young adults.  Interestingly; these folks were part of a small group at our house a few years ago, but they were mostly college students then.  Now they have (all but 1) graduated and are in the world of work and "adult" life.  When we began to mention the group (and the study) to some of them, they jumped at the opportunity.  I was honestly a little surprised, but really have been glad to have them come.      I enjoy their company and fellowship.  Their perspective is fresh.  They are working out their own worldview and their own take on life and Christianity.  The study we are doing follows along with the book "Multiply" by Francis Chan.  Francis is always a challenge in the books he writes, but this one is unique.  The subtitle of the book is "disciples making disciples."  It reminds us that discipleship is the responsibil...