WD-40 Diligence

I read this morning about common household lubricant that I have used many times both in my work and my personal projects. WD-40 is great for loosening nuts, bolts and hinges; for preventing rust, and (according to one web site) for 2000 other uses. It's like duct tape...you always have to have some around and it's good for lots of things. I learned that WD-40 was developed in 1953 by Norm Larsen, who was attempting to create a formula to prevent corrosion in nuclear missiles, by displacing the standing water that causes it. He made 39 unsuccessful attempts, but on the 40th try, Norm got his Water Displacement formula correct. Water Displacement, 40th formula, or WD-40 was first marketed in 1958. The original name of his company was the Rocket Chemical Company. The name of the company was changed in 1969 to WD-40 Company after what was then its only product. I'm...