
Showing posts from September, 2013

Not You Again!

     I was studying and teaching from James 1 this past Sunday.  As I spoke about the 5th verse, I emphasized God's generosity and his natural inclination to give.  I thought I'd remind you of that by means of encouragement today.      When we need wisdom (which we all obviously need from time to time), the first step we are to take is to ask God.  What I'm thinking about at the moment...and am particularly thankful for is the statement that says God gives generously and without reproach .      I need that reminder every once in a while.  Do you feel sometimes like you are going to God AGAIN for wisdom when you have been pretty frequent about it lately?  Do you ever wonder if he says "oh no; not YOU again!"?  God never has that attitude toward us.  God never wonders "didn't you just ask me about that last week?"     If you need some wisdom today...if you have some matter...

Why are we so surprised?

      I was speaking this past Sunday, about how to face trials and have the confidence that God is being glorified in our lives even when we are in the midst of them (which gives us joy).  As a part of that, I focused on a couple of words that challenge me and remind me that my expectations are not always what they need to be in this area.      James says (1:2) "count it all joy my brothers when you face trials of various kinds."  For the purpose of this post, would you look at the word in bold text here?  Why didn't James say "if" you face trials?  The obvious reality is because facing trials is a part of life.  Whether they are a trial that is the result of decisions we have made (good or bad), the result of living for Christ in an increasingly secular society, or for some reason we can't make heads or tails of, the reality is that we will regularly face trials.  They will vary in intensity.  ...

Trusting when you are part of the "others."

     After quite a respite, I am going to come back to my blog and seek to share some thoughts that are on my heart with you.  I hope you will continue to find them challenging and encouraging.      When I last posted about taking a break, I mentioned some lessons that I was learning from the Lord that I wanted to eventually share with you.  Honestly, some of the lessons are ones I have been working on for some time, and a few are ones I hadn't put much thought into.      The first, and the one that is on my mind most recently is addressed in the title of this post.  I have been taught all my life (and taught others as well) that it is important for us to believe God for the impossible.  "Trust God; He is more willing to give than you are to ask."  "Ask God for something so big that when it happens, there will be no doubt that it was God that did it."  As I sit here, I think of many phrases such ...