Not You Again!

I was studying and teaching from James 1 this past Sunday. As I spoke about the 5th verse, I emphasized God's generosity and his natural inclination to give. I thought I'd remind you of that by means of encouragement today. When we need wisdom (which we all obviously need from time to time), the first step we are to take is to ask God. What I'm thinking about at the moment...and am particularly thankful for is the statement that says God gives generously and without reproach . I need that reminder every once in a while. Do you feel sometimes like you are going to God AGAIN for wisdom when you have been pretty frequent about it lately? Do you ever wonder if he says "oh no; not YOU again!"? God never has that attitude toward us. God never wonders "didn't you just ask me about that last week?" If you need some wisdom today...if you have some matter...