When knowing the next step isn't what's most important
I've been mulling over a verse lately that God graciously pointed out to me about 10 years ago during my devotions one day. I'm working out the ramifications of it again just now, so I thought I'd share a little bit of that with you. At the time God brought this verse to my attention I was searching for his direction for me and my family. We had sought to go to Australia as church-planters and that door had closed...slammed in our faces. We spent months searching for the direction God would have us take. I came to the conclusion that I might not ever be in ministry again on a full time basis. There seemed to be no light at the end of the tunnel. One day during that time I was reading toward the end of Exodus. Specifically, I was reading God's command to Moses to lead the children of Israel away from Mount Sinai. After the disaster of the golden calf incident (read...