Still Walking...

Those of you familiar with our situation right now know that we have purposely put ourselves in a position where we will be in trouble if God doesn't come through. That's a rough quote from a statement made by Francis Chan that I got from a friend a few weeks ago. I'm still mulling over those words and have found myself enlivened and refreshed by their challenge. It's funny how we see things more often when we are consciously thinking about them. I was reading this morning from 1 Kings 17 about Elijah the prophet of God. He was singularly used of God in a dramatic way. He prayed and it stopped raining...for 3 years. He prayed again and it rained. He prayed and God raised a young man from the dead. God did some incredible things through Elijah. This morning I read the account of the widow that Elijah stopped to visit in the little town of Zarephath. You're probably familiar with...