Grief and Worship
I was reading from Job this morning in my devotional time and was reminded about the depth of Job's confidence in God. In one day, he lost almost everything. His livestock was destroyed. All but 3 of his hired hands were killed. All 10 of his children died when the oldest son's house collapsed on them. The 20th verse of Job 1 challenged me again as I read; "Then Job arose and tore his robe and shaved his head (all signs of deep grief and mourning) and fell on the ground and worshiped." There is something really powerful in the fact that Job's first instinct (even in the midst of unspeakable grief) was to worship God. He acknowleged that even though God gave him all that he had, God retained ownership of it all and it was at God's disposal. As I think about the times of difficulty in my life...the times when I really felt like I was at the bottom; I wonder ...