
Showing posts from February, 2012

Grief and Worship

     I was reading from Job this morning in my devotional time and was reminded about the depth of Job's confidence in God.  In one day, he lost almost everything.  His livestock was destroyed.  All but 3 of his hired hands were killed.  All 10 of his children died when the oldest son's house collapsed on them.      The 20th verse of Job 1 challenged me again as I read; "Then Job arose and tore his robe and shaved his head (all signs of deep grief and mourning) and fell on the ground and worshiped."      There is something really powerful in the fact that Job's first instinct (even in the midst of unspeakable grief) was to worship God.  He acknowleged that even though God gave him all that he had, God retained ownership of it all and it was at God's disposal.      As I think about the times of difficulty in my life...the times when I really felt like I was at the bottom; I wonder ...

The Purpose of Life

     I know; that's a pretty broad title and it could set up a whole series of posts.  It's not going to.  I simply wanted to remind you that, although life gets confusing at times and we have a lot of decisions to make when it comes to the various directions or activities that we will pursue, the basic purpose is still pretty simple.      The first in a series of messages I recently commenced at our church began with this challenge:  Why are YOU here?  What is your purpose for being on the planet?  It may surprise you to realize that it is really the same purpose for which Jesus came to earth.  He knew that purpose very early in life.  The second chapter of Luke records the occasion when his family had traveled to Jerusalem at the time of the Passover for Jesus' Bar Mitzvah (he was 12).  At the end of the feast, his parents returned with the caravan headed back toward Nazareth.  Once they realize...

Amazing Love

     Today is Valentine's Day.  This is the 29th time I have celebrated it with my wife (we were engaged for the first one).  I love her and am grateful to God for the partner he has given me for this journey called life.  Some seasons have been difficult; some, joyful.  I am glad we have been through them together.  I also tend to think about my love for my children, and my extended family on Valentine's Day.   I don’t think that “love makes the world go ‘round,” like the old song said, but I sure am thankful that God has given us the opportunity to love and be loved while we are traveling along our road in life.       While you are likely giving your attention to your "sweetheart" today, I want to remind you again about God’s love for you.  Or, perhaps, I am speaking to someone without a sweetheart.  For whatever reason, this day doesn't hold much meaning to you (maybe some pain).   Regardless;...

Appreciating God's Love

     With Valentine's Day on Tuesday, I thought I'd give you some thoughts to mull over regarding your most amazing love relationship; the one you have with your Father in Heaven.       I read a story a couple of years ago about a vendor who sold bagels for 50 cents each at a street corner food stand.  A jogger ran past and threw a couple of quarters into the bucket but didn’t take a bagel.  He did the same thing every day for months.  One day, as the jogger was passing by, the vendor stopped him.  The jogger said, “You probably want to know why I always put money in but never take a bagel, don’t you?”  “No,” said the vendor.  “I just wanted to tell you that the bagels have gone up to 60 cents.”       I’m afraid that the vendor in that story is more like us than we want to admit.  God demonstrated His love for us by sending His Son to die and pay the penalty for our sin while we we...

Been thinking about prayer...

     Jodi and I were away for a week recently.  The primary purpose of our trip was to attend the JAX Pastor's Conference at First Baptist in Jacksonville, FL.  We got in on 3 1/2 days of great preaching and challenge.  Our hearts were recharged and our souls filled up.  I was grateful to be able to go.      One of the challenges that God brought to my own heart was a reminder of the importance of prayer.  How often do we pray like the early church prayed?  I wonder how often we really cry out to God, believing that we will see Him answer our prayer and fulfill our request?  After all; Jesus had told the disciples that if they had "faith like a grain of mustard seed [they could] say to this mountain, 'move from here to there' and it will move, and nothing would be impossible for them."  It's not the quantity of faith; its the object of faith that counts.      I know the caveats tha...