Why I'm going to keep blogging...

This Thursday, I'll finish my first year of maintaining this blog. I’ll admit that I started a blog a few years back and posted to it…about 8 times. Something about it just didn’t stick. Last year, as I headed into the fall, I felt like it was something I wanted to try again. I love to write. I find it one of my greatest joys in life to encourage people. I’d like to expand my ministry as I continue along in my journey of service for God. So; here I have been for a year now, trying to accomplish that. The “audience” for my blog has grown over the course of the year, but I still don’t have a huge list of “followers.” People have read my blog more than 2800 times this year. If you compare that with well known bloggers, it’s a pretty tiny number. But I appreciate all who do read and follow, and some have expressed appreciation for one post or another that challenged or encouraged them. I’m rea...