Reflections on a storm
A few days past Hurricane Irene, I'm mulling over a couple of things. I thought I'd share them with you. I hope I've increased my ability to be thankful. We lost power to our home like thousands of others. Ours came back on after about a day and a half. Others still don't have it. I'm thankful to have electricity. The sun is shining today. A huge wildfire about 45 miles from where we live is extinguished.
I hope I don't slip into the trap of frustration that "things weren't as bad as they had been predicted." As I have listened to (and read) about people's comments, I am surprised at the critical spirit some have demonstrated toward the forecasters. I have seen plenty of pictures showing the devastation that took place both south and north of where I live. Regardless of that; the way some are talking, you'd think that it would have been better if a tree had fallen on their house. At least that way, they would feel lik...